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11 January, 12:48

How did President Grant's approach to interacting with Native Americans differ from his predecessors when he took office in 1869?

Answers (2)
  1. 11 January, 13:04
    It is possible to say that the approach to interact with Native Americans that was held by President Grant is highly different than the ones held by his predecessors because of his intentions were focused on not talking directly to the Native Americans, but to Christian missionaries who were incharged of the Natives' regions. In contrast, other Presidents kept the indigenous authorities and approched directly taliking to these.
  2. 11 January, 14:15
    President Grant decided to change the approach on Native Americans, he believed that the previous policy that was focused on conflict was not working. Because of that, he created the Peace Policy in 1868.

    With this new policy, Grant replaced corrupt Indian agents with Christian men that in his mind would be more trustworthy and less likely to be corrupt. His policy also aimed to teach Native Americans agricultural training so the Native Americans could be "transformed" into Christian citizens.

    With his approach to assimilate Indians into white culture as a form of protection, President Grant committed cultural genocide.
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