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12 December, 01:06

You have previously issued an operation order. The enemy situation has changed, but your mission remains the same. You've decided to change your scheme of maneuver to attack a new enemy vulnerability. What is the best order to issue in this situation?

Answers (1)
  1. 12 December, 04:05
    Fragmentary order


    There are three types of combat order; the warning order, operation order and fragmentary order. warning order is issued to prepare the unit of a mission or intending operation order, operation order contains the details and intent of the entire mission.

    The fragmentary order on the other hand is issued to the unit when there is a need to adjust strategy to a changing situation. The fragmentary order does not in anyway change the mission objective. In the situation illustrated in the question above, the best type or order to issue is the fragmentary order.
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